August 4, 2017August 4, 2017Poems Cricket or Racket What if the game of cricket Has a bat of the size of pocket And the ball a size of a bucket […]
August 4, 2017August 4, 2017Poems Books Books O! Ye adorable books Thou art so good, yes thou art so great You dispense the way of crooks And men […]
August 4, 2017August 4, 2017Poems Alpha To Omega God created man so pure But he kept a test to make it sure Could the test man endure? But towards fall […]
August 4, 2017August 4, 2017Poems Dark Candle Deep down the dreary distance,a dark candle travails Devoid of radiance,mulls a ruddy flame Splashes no spectrum white but sparks red untame; […]